Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December Book Report and Checklist

For your December book report you are going to do book marks. For each part write 1 to 4 sentences, except the characters, those just need a name and a picture. Please draw a picture to go with your sentence.
You will be given the papers you need, and I have included some information to help you determine the theme if you need help.

December book report checklist and rubric.
This explains how this month’s book report will be graded. It also gives you a checklist to see if you have completed each part. Please be sure that the majority of the work is done by the student with only a little help from someone else.

____ brought my rubric, my book and book mark (all 4 pieces) (this is your project) to Mrs. Blansett on December 20th (3 pts)
____ turned in on December 20th   (5 pts)

____ chapter book about Advent, Christmas, any other holiday in December that is Just Right for you (and a different author than you read for October and November) (6 pts)
_____ neatness of words (up to 15 pts)

_____ title of book (up to 6 pts)

_____ author of book (up to 6 pts)

_____ students name (4 pt)

_____ colorfulness (and effort) (up to 15 pts)

_____ neatness of coloring, and/or pictures (up to 15 pts)

_____ sentences (up to 25 pts)

Here are some links. The first one is the book mark. The second one is a link for a description about theme.
book mark
include this; information about a theme

1 comment:

  1. The bookmark sample doesn't work since I'm not a member of the site!
