Tuesday, April 30, 2013

New Spelling Choice!

Please choose one activity each night,
Monday through Thursday (a different activity each night)

Spelling Choice

*unless spelling is rainbow words, or done on the computer, please use pencil

1.    Write a short story using at least 10 of your spelling words. Remember that punctuation and grammar count!
2.   Write the definition of 10 of your spelling words.
3.   Write rhyming words for each of your spelling words.
4.   Write your words 3x each
5.   Write a letter to a friend using 10 spelling words
6.   Make a crossword with all of your words (www.puzzlemaker.com)
7.   Put all of your spelling words in ABC order
8.   Write each word in a sentence. (15 sentences)
9.   Rainbow words; use at least 10 different colors throughout all of your words
10.                Write each spelling word, and then draw a picture about that word.

  *Parents, the students in second grade need some practice using their spelling words in their writing. Please try to stick to this updated spelling choice list. Please encourage your child to do as much writing as they can. When they write, please encourage them to go back and check to see if they spelled the words correctly. When your child is writing sentences, please help them try to use different subjects to start their sentences, or questions. Thank you for your help!!!

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