Monday, April 8, 2013

Social Studies Vocab - April 8th

income money that someone earns. Some of my family's income is used to buy shoes. (p. 104)
goods Things that people make or grow. Many kinds of goods are sold in stores. (p. 104)
services Jobs that people do to help others. A restaurant worker provides services. (p. 105)
tax Money that is collected by a government. Some of our tax money will be used to build a new school. (p. 113)
factory A builiding where people produce or proces goods. Juice is bottled in this factory. (p. 120)
trade To buy, sell, or exchange goods. People can trade goods at a market. (p. 134)
transportation A way of moving goods or people from place to place. An airplane is one kind of transportation. (p. 135)
barter To trade goods or services for other goods or services without using money. People can barter to get what they need. (p. 138)

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